Blockchain is one of the most revolutionary changes that have happened in the recent past. Some believe that it is going to optimize many industries. This has generated opportunities for many businesses to start developing Blockchain-based applications, and at the same time, it also renders new job opportunities. Knowing this technology and its use in various domains will keep you ahead of the rest of the crowd.
The next thing that comes into our mind is how a beginner should begin learning about this technology. Although many companies are promoting these courses, finding the one which can provide you with hands-on experience in addition to general practice is a daunting task. Blockchain Council is a renowned platform for learning Blockchain. It offers excellent courses for beginners.
There are a few basic crucial things that you must know to start a career in Blockchain or to learn to excel in this technology. If you have the bare minimum knowledge about computers and coding, this will help in better understanding the concepts of the Blockchain.
Requirements for becoming a Blockchain Developer for freshers?
- Freshers must start off by learning the very basics of Blockchain and the cryptocurrency. One should join various blockchain communities and visit Bitcoin forums on sites such as Reddit, YouTube, and Blockchain news on Coindesk etc.
- For some hands-on experience, you can even buy some cryptocurrency and trade it.
- Having the basic idea about coding is always helpful. It will be helpful for you to do the programming for Blockchain applications.
You must have an idea of Queues, Tree, Stack, LinkedList, and Hedera HashMaps data structure.
You must know how to code as it will help you write efficient codes for Blockchain.
Besides it will be helpful to know the fundamentals of Communication Architectures. It’s always helpful to know the programming languages like C, C++, or JavaScript. If you are a newbie, you must first gear up to learn all the subjects as mentioned earlier so that it becomes easy for you to understand the Blockchain system.
There is no particular prerequisites to become a Blockchain Developer, but if you are technically sound and also have basic knowledge about the decentralized system, then it would be easy for you to understand and work on this system.
You need to ace the following if you want to make your career in the Blockchain domain. Ethereum and Hyperledger are popular blockchain platforms.
If you have the desire to have a rewarding career in Blockchian then it does not matter if you are a nebee or an experienced person. You just need to equip yourself with the right knowledge.